Come with me on my weight loss journey, I look forward to your comments including your advice, ideas, personal experiences, recipes and progress... read on...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Week 2 energy intake

Saturday 8th Jan, 2011

(B) Cottage cheese and salad
(L) Beef Rogan Josh with vegies
(D) Moroccan egg salad with char grilled vegetables

Water melon and cherries
4 coffees

1/2 hour walk

First weigh in

Ok the first results are in, see info on right.

There were some suprising results, despite a couple of hiccups (uncontrollable moments) I experienced during the week. You know my mum once said, "the first bite tastes as good as the last" translate that to only have one bite or one piece! Easier said than done I know... "check out my pizza disaster, not a proud moment". The first/last bite idea is definitely something I need to work on...

The last couple of days I've been rambling to Alan telling him how my belly feels smaller and he would look at me and say REALLY? and I am like YEH... I guess the proof is in the pudding...

I lost 8cm off my waist and 7.5cm off my hips. When I first took the measurements this morning I had to do them twice as it seemed quite substantial, I also tried to remember if I had been drinking when I did the original stats?

Just to finish, a weight loss of 3.5kg is more than I could ever had hoped for, this is just what I need to start the week on the right foot...

xoxo Alex

Friday, January 7, 2011

The time is nigh...

OK, Tomorrows results will reveal to everyone how I have been going with my mission to shed those pesky kilos. I really do hope that something has shifted?

For the record, I feel really good even if nothing has shifted, I know at the very least that I have done my body a massive favour.

If you have been reading my food intake you would know that it's fairly reasonable, except for the devon sandwiches, which seemed to have replaced the PEANUTS, however, if I had written down what I had been eating for the past few months you would of needed an ECG machine on hand...

Just to recap, tomorrow after 10am I will post:-

My weight (hopefully a little less)
All measurements
And an embarrasing picture (the hardest part about this whole challenge)

Here's to nothing or everything...

See you tomorrow :)

xoxo Alex

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hump day

Well it's Tuesday, day 4 of my challenge or halfway to my first weigh in (hence hump day) "don't forget to check out the results" I will be posting them this Saturday". It does seem though that my progress may be sabotaged by bloody peanuts...

peanut, peanuts, peanuts you terrible beautiful yummy little things...

You know it kind of reminds me of taste buds, for something so small they can rule your whole existence... or is it lack of will power? hmmm not sure? but I prefer the former thought...

Anyway, tonight we are going to a friends for dinner, so I must not have any peanut blowouts today. Fact: did you know that 50g of peanuts have over 1200kj? That's a lot of exercise...

Therefore, I decided to start the day with an omlette, which to Alan's annoyance looked better than his bowl of weetbix. It wouldn't be hard to looked better than what looks to me as compressed cardboard,  even the dog food looks more appetising! Because my omlette was so yummy, I thought I would publish the recipe, just in case you want to enjoy a nutritious low carb breakkie.

Mediterranean omlette

Sunday, January 2, 2011

First report

Well it's been an OK day, except for a minor hiccup, I ate an awful lot of peanuts and I must emphasise to you "an awful lot". I did however take a 45 minute walk at the last minute to counteract my moments of weakness. Since it was my first bout of exercise in ages I wanted to take it easy, which meant I didn't exactly break out a sweat... However I figure, some exercise is better than none, at the very least it will help to kick start my metabolism and I will keep burning energy well into the night. I love the thought of losing weight while you sleep:) It's almost as good as the Krispy Kreme diet...