Come with me on my weight loss journey, I look forward to your comments including your advice, ideas, personal experiences, recipes and progress... read on...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Week 8 weigh in. Who said "you can't have your cake and eat it to"?

Well all odds have been defied this week, which means I’m not sure where my theory stands! A 2kg loss is nothing short of a miracle… so I guess what I have to say is this, "you can have an extremely bad blowout with nil effect if you sandwich it between 2 good weeks"…
I have been asked again and again, "what am I doing"? so I am going to summarise it for you.

* I am eating smaller portions (not man size) Alan doesn't eat like a bird...
* I don't eat in front of the TV (most of the time) and I try to be aware that I am eating.
* I have cut right back on wine, I hope the benefits of weight loss outweigh the medicinal effects of red wine on the heart!
* I try not to eat too much bread and if I do, it’s not white bread :(
* I don’t deny myself treats, instead, I factor them in.
* I try to eat salad or vegies at every meal (breakfast is sometimes a bit tricky)
* I walk (this week I walked 4 times).
* I don’t stress out if I fail, I just try to start eating healthy again as soon as I can.
In summary, I am aiming for a healthy lifestyle change based on balance. Here's to old age and great physical health…
The results so far...

Measurements/statsStartWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5
Weight 84kg80.5kg81kg79.5kg78kg77kg
Upper arms 34.5cm33cm33cm33.5cm32cm31.5cm
Neck 36cm36cm36cm36cm35.5cm35.5cm
Bust 109cm108cm106.5cm104cm103cm101cm
Waist 97cm89cm90cm91cm90cm91cm
Thighs 70cm69cm68cm68.5cm67.5cm65.5cm
Measurements/statsWeek 6Week 7Week 8
Weight 75kg75kg73kg
Upper arms 32cm31cm31cm
Neck 36cm36cm35cm
Bust 99.5cm101.5cm99.5cm
Waist 87.5cm87cm87.5cm
Thighs 67cm66.5cm65.5cm



  1. hoooorray Alex that is a huge 12 kilos well well well done can you believe you have achieved that !
    I can see in the photos the difference. You may or may not have seen on fb that i have not joined you in the weight challenge in fact i might be heading in a straight line right to 85 kg. Wellsy number 3 is on it's way and so with the shock of that news and the constant state of nausea it's been a steady hangover diet of bread and chips and anything that might just stay down and provide some sort of comfort. My gym effort has been less that satisfactory schlepping along on the treadmill for about 2 kms before going off to vomit and sleep the rest of the day.... hopefully for not too much longer now, but am so inspired by you this time next year hopefully will be back on that wagon a little !

  2. Wow Skye number 3 is cookin... that is fantastic news (how exciting). I am so sorry that you feel nauseated most of the time, I can imagine it wouldn't feel pleasant!

    Also, why is it that bread and chips make you feel good? why can't broccoli have the same affect!

    I hope you feel better soon and congratulations xoxo Alex
